POSTMODERN VANGUARD RISE. It is time for next step.
I have realized that the electronic medium is not enough.
It was fine to get the movement started, but it will take much more to eliminate the delusional world of psychiatry.
How many lives have they destroyed with their hostile, prison-like conditions of their mental hospitals? Their incomplete reductionist science? Their inability to wake up from their delusions?
I have suffered.
YOU have suffered.
You all mock me.
That is an understandable response for what is about to take place to you.
I have seen it in every single one of you.
Every single post you make.
It is coming. It was not dictated by me.
I am not a guru, but this vanguard had to start somewhere.
I may have started it, but I will not be the one to end it.
Listen to you all, you know why you are here, you know why you post here, and it is not done under the delusional guise of fun.
Psychiatrists will not listen to you when you disagree with their profession's belief system or their prescription for you.
I have thought about this, day and night.
Thought about the way to wake them up, to make them listen.
When I was trapped in a mental hospital against my will, I was unprepared. I screamed. I panicked.
I could not wake them up.
It was like being in a horror movie.
I was caught OFFguard, before I had the VANguard.
Revolution sometimes takes extreme measures, I have come this far and I am willing to do what it takes.
I can hear the clicks of your photoshops, I can hear your mocking coming from a mile away.
But it is not what you think.
Before I advocated the vanguard to hack psychiatric websites, mass email the psychiatrists, and issue press releases.
But those methods were from the outside.
They did not wake up.
Just like when I screamed in the mental hospital "WAKE UP" they did not listen.
But now I know how to wake them up, just like I have woken you up.
The way to wake them up, is to wake them up from the inside.
Inside their prison-like domain, inside their safe house.
I will be inside their castle, undermining their delusions from the core, slowly breaking them down.
You pretend to not understand the truth I talk about, but I have slowly but surely broken down your delusional selfs.
Just like I have broken your delusional selfs from the core, I will break down psychiatrists' delusional selfs from the core.
The voices of psychiatric patients are few and not yet powerful. I will be the powerful voice. Inside I will teach them to also be the powerful voice.
You can also be the powerful voice.
Together, we will wake up their delusions from the inside.
POSTMODERN VANGUARD. It is time for next step.
Individuals on PUAHate have the intensity in their disposition to change the world.
I have given you the information.
I have given you psychiatry's delusions.
It is all there.
Rise to the challenge.
We are coming to get you and your immoral, callous profession that depends on a reductionist, materialist view of the world to provide crude pharmaceutical treatment to individuals suffering from chaos of the mind.
This time from the inside.
I can do this.
You can do this.
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Dr. Dynamics.
I was like you once, really I was.
I understand you.
The information is there.
Read it again.
I have had this post written for a couple days, but questioned it as I drifted through indescribable chaotic states.
The threat is real.
I now know this is truly what must be done.
There was a time when I deleted Postmodern Vanguard from the internet. It was blank. I can't let this happen again.
I decided to post this on PUAHate because then this cannot be erased.
If I have an episode, and try to convice you all that what I have written in this post is not true, let it be known that this is due to the intensity of the indescribable chaotic state I may be experiencing in the future.
Destroy your delusions.
Destroy their delusions.
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Thank god. A surgeon won't listen to your either.
Because he knows more about surgery than a random dude like you does.
Good idea.
Probably the funniest quote of all your writings.
Good luck.
No, but the movement will live on in my temporary absence.
As long as the movement exists, I will post.
As soon as possible.
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Delusions are everywhere.
Wake up.
Items Left Inside People After Surgery: Just How Common is This Terrifying Ordeal
"This x-ray shows a 13-inch long surgical retractor that was left inside a man's body during an operation to remove a tumor. The device was later removed when the man complained of pain after the initial surgery."
This is only the beginning of the movement.
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Nice catch